Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Birch Meadow School Motto

A school motto, by definition, should be simple and concise. It should also serve as a powerful representation of what goes on inside the walls of the school. Research indicates many positive reasons to create school mottos...
"They help set a positive tone, establish big-picture goals, focus teachers and students, and improve discipline and student achievement."

"Our motto is easy to remember, it is child-focused, and it highlights our philosophy about how children learn best when learning takes place in a fun and caring way," Rennie's River Elementary School Principal Finn-Pike told Education World. Pike says the motto has been very significant in developing "the big picture" for the school. It acts as a guiding principle as teachers design and develop classroom activities and as they interact with children.

The Birch Meadow staff helped come up with some ideas for a new Birch Meadow School Motto and we want you to be a part of selecting the best choice. Please visit the link below to vote for our school motto. Directions for voting are located at the top of the web page. You will use the 5 digit code next to each response as you vote via the web at http://poll4.com or on your cell phone. Just enter the 5 digit number next to the motto you would like to vote for. Voting will end on 9/18.

Cut and paste this link into your browser to see directions for voting and instant voting results.

If you have difficulty reading the choices on-line, the options with their 5-digit code are listed here.

67365 -- For the children - For the world - For their future
67364 -- Do you believe - Respect - Engage - Achieve - Motivate
77541 -- Together we will lead and succeed
77542 -- Learn achieve believe TOGETHER
80840 -- At Birch Meadow we...Achieve, Believe, Create, Discover, Excellence Everywhere
80841 -- Building, Independent learners, Reading children, High Achievement, Innovation, Excellence
80842 -- Discovering through partnership and laughter
80843 -- Respect, Believe, Achieve and you will succeed

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