Birch Meadow staff presented to school committee on Monday night. See the previous blog post to view some of the presentations! Every classroom teacher attended and presented! The school committee was impressed and I am a proud principal.
Congratulations to Jay, Stephanie, Sierra, and Justin. They received rewards from the "Color Me Benjamin" contest sponsored by the Epilepsy Foundation.

Read Across America was celebrated on Wednesday. You can see some of the staff participants. Thank you to everyone who helped plan and organize this celebration. Parents should be proud of all the reading done this past month!
What did you do over February vacation? After a few days of work at Birch Meadow I visited family in Virginia and took my two sons to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.
Along the way we took pictures on the mall with a background of theUS Capitol Building and Washington Monument. You can even see a few pictures of Alex as we walked through the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden.
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