As a follow-up to the assembly, classes will be reading and discussing the book The Empty Pot by Demi for the Culture and Climate Committee's "One School, One Book" idea.
Birch Meadow has a Climate & Culture Committee. The members of the committee decided to implement this "One School, One Book" idea for each of our monthly character themes. So, just as Third Grade has chosen 'The Empty Pot', each grade level will choose a children's book that relates to the theme they are responsible for presenting at the assembly and the whole school will share it. The follow-up activity then is based around the book.
Each of the classes will go online to the following website: where students can hear the story read-aloud or teachers will read the book to their class.
Students will earn Birch Meadow Bears if they are observed showing honesty at Birch Meadow. Parents are encouraged to look for their children showing honesty at home and reward them with a bear. More bears will be sent home next week – be sure to write your child’s name and room number and the reason for the reward on the bear and return it to the office. We will display them in the lobby during Honesty month.

1 comment:
The third grade did such a nice job!
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