August 11, 2010
Dear Birch Meadow families,
Welcome back for the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year. Teachers and staff are excited and energized for the start of the school year. We hope you and your children are looking forward to the year as well. Birch Meadow will continue with the energy and enthusiasm that makes our school a special place for your children.
Since the summer began we received our new heating system, technology has been purchased for staff and student use, professional development took place providing opportunity for teacher growth, staff was hired, and many hours of programming and planning were conducted. I hope your summer provided opportunities for your family to rest, vacation, and prepare for the school year. We look forward to seeing everyone back at Birch Meadow.
You will notice a few staff changes at Birch Meadow this year
• Mr. Kaminski will be our new 3rd grade teacher
• Lisa Serino, coming from Parker Middle School, will be our new learning center teacher
• Kerry Mullen is returning to the learning center coming back from her maternity leave
• Kristin Verity will be covering Mrs. Slater’s maternity leave
• Krista Erikson will be moving from the learning center to become the new language based teacher in grade 5
• New Para professionals include: Erline Trites and Catherine Bjarngard
• New tutors include: Sara Mitchell and Nicole Cronin
• After School Program leader is Jill McKenna and teacher Carol Landry-Webster
• Kristie Lambert will be monitoring the before school program
• The office of District English Language Art coordinator, Deb Kwiatek, has been moved from Joshua Eaton to Birch Meadow
• Peggy Costello will be filling in for Donna Cloonan’s medical leave
It is my goal to continue the greatness of Birch Meadow. The staff and I are committed to delivering a high quality education for your children. We look forward to a successful year. If we can be of any assistance, or if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me here at Birch Meadow at or 781-944-2335. We are partners in your child’s education.
Please review the district calendar to monitor important school dates throughout the year. See important dates below.
Wednesday, September 1st First day of school
Wednesday, September 1st AM kindergarten students, full day kindergarten students, and 1st grade - 11 AM dismissal time;
PM kindergarten - No school
Grades 2 – 5 - 12:45 PM dismissal time
Thursday, September 2nd AM kindergarten students, full day kindergarten students, and 1st grade - 11 AM dismissal time
First day for PM kindergarten 12:00 PM – 2:45 PM
Grades 2 – 5 2:45 dismissal time
Friday, September 3rd No-School
Monday, September 6th Labor Day Holiday – No School
Thursday September 9th Rosh Hashanah – No School
I hope you have a great year and I look forward to seeing you on Birch Meadow Curriculum Nights:
September 13th -- grades K-2
September 15th -- grades 3-5
Mr. Sprung